Newfoundland Club of Victoria Inc.
Member Breeders
Contact details of breeders that are members of the Newfoundland Club of Victoria Inc. are:
Apalie Newfoundlands
Melissa Fraser
Bouvet Newfoundlands
Angela Kelly
Capebass Newfoundlands
Jane Leeder
Tel: 03 5988 6190
Krystalcove Newfoundlands
Vicki Birch
Mobile: 0432 961 876
Seadale Newfoundlands
Bev Chapman
Mobile: 0415 618 983
Jeddore Newfoundlands
Megan Boundy & Bev Chapman
Clazzic Newfoundlands
Mr. Chris Stewart & Miss Emily Durant
Mobile: 0448251047
Newfashion Newfoundlands (S.A.)
Ian Harland & Gregg Barr
Tel: 08 8531 0232
Mobile: 0411 607 208
Storybrook Newfoundlands (S.A.)
Mr R & Mrs L Chapman-Stevens
Blackbears Newfoundlands (N.S.W.)
Sue Frew
Mobile: 0439 523 040
Newflabel Newfoundlands (N.S.W.)
Janelle Wallace
Mobile: 0412 505 736
Yesallaw Newfoundlands (Tas)
Sue & Clifford Gray
Tel: 03 6393 2388